
Beyond the Eye
San Fernando , Trinidad

Bio: "Bubbly, high pitched, cheerful and a lover of nature," are some of the many words that I think of if I were to describe myself. I am a proud 25 year old university life science student, the eldest daughter of my humble parents, the "know it all" sister to my darling kid sister, the cousins of many, the best friend of many of my friends, the teacher of my class, the role mole of some, but most importantly I am Kavita Anuradha Ramdatt or am I? Who we are as society likes to phrase it, is it really whom we are affiliated with or is it our accomplishments in life? I had that mindset, until I realized, who we are in the eyes of another should mean absolutely nothing to you, what should matter to you however is, how you as a person view yourself.Are you happy with how you treat your friends?Are you kind to the elders?What about your lifestyle, are you proud to tell your grandkids how you spent your youthful days?If you aren't proud then something obviously needs to be done. Life can be quite harsh at times, people may be really cruel and mean towards you but I've realized this year its how you handle the situation placed in front of you, affects your life. The key to happiness in this world, from my perspective is to look within you. If you can't be happy with you own flesh and your own self per se then you my friend will never be happy. If you depend on people to make you happy or luxury items then you will forever be in what we humans have quite nicely termed it, "depression."Once we realize that we are responsible for our emotions and how we choose to handle life situations then and only then will homicides, suicides cease and generally life on earth with be such a more peaceful and serene one.

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